Today I went on a fun adventure to the AGO or the Art Gallery of Ontario in downtown Toronto. Although the main purpose of the visit was to collect information for a exhibition review project that was assigned to me, I still managed to make the day memorable by seeing works from some of my favourite artists!
Here's a candid of me in the Canadian art section admiring the colourful painting
The AGO is a beautiful gallery, and the setup of the exhibits is fantastic
This is architect Frank Gehry's spiralling staircase installation (which is fairly recent); it always makes for some amazing pictures
Wassily Kandinsky's spiritual and colourful artwork was probably one of my favourite moments of the day, almost nothing compares to a good Kandinsky in my opinion
The only Giorgio de Chirico work was this small painting here, since there were huge crowds I was lucky to get a moment where I could photograph just the artwork
(I also got in a lot of trouble for taking this picture)
Then we moved on to the Canadian Contemporary gallery which is the exhibition I had to review. This felt a little more like work and a little less fun, but there were some interesting pieces such as the one above: a shiny pile of crystals and just one diamond on the floor entitled One by Wilfredo Prieto. I have yet to further analyze this particular piece of art and so therefore I still don't "get" it, but it looks really pretty and sparkly so that's why it caught my attention to be perfectly honest. Contemporary art isn't really my tune.
Here's me being all studious and taking notes on the exhibition
Some parts of the windowed staircase offer amazing views of Toronto and this just seemed like too good of a photo opp to pass
What a fun day! If you live in Toronto and are looking for something to do this break go see the Guggenheim Show at the AGO! And if contemporary art is your thing then go check out the Canadian Contemporary exhibit, because there's a lot of work that will really make you think about the true meaning of life (sarcasm fully intended).